
Sunday, November 20, 2011

Poway Solar- Solar Power Conversions

By Jason Moores

Solar energy can be converted into heat, which is used to heat the water inside the building. This energy can be converted to electricity in two ways: photovoltaic or solar cells calls - sunlight directly into electricity change. This is often used in remote locations and are also used for watches, calculators and road signs. So are otherwise solar power plants - indirectly generate electricity when the heat from solar thermal collectors to heat a fluid which produces steam that is used for power generation.

Photovoltaics is the conversion of sunlight into electricity. A photovoltaic cell, commonly called a solar cell or photovoltaic is the technology used to convert solar energy directly into electrical energy. The solar cell is a mechanical device that is not usually made from silicon alloys. Sunlight has photons. Photons have energy. The solar cell is criticized by photons and absorbs some of them. Bounce right next to others, such as basketballs or as ghosts. The absorbed photons hit electrons out of place. The electrons are the electricity things done. The electron bubble to the surface of the solar cell. This movement on the surface creates an imbalance. When connecting a cable from the solar cell to a battery out, it creates a path the electrons follow. It is necessary that the electricity from the battery. A single solar cell power calculator and curiosity, but not much else.

While solar lighting inside is not as widespread as his cousin outside, move to a stage, it is natural to take, after trying out solar lighting. Applications for indoor use are surprisingly varied. Instead of lighting the way, you can install low-power light bulbs in your dining room to improve mood for dinner. Instead of external security lighting, install security lighting inside, or even change the array and batteries to run motion detectors or other safety equipment. Buy solar lamp inside is not only an investment in energy efficiency of the lamps in your home, is also an investment in the environment. Solar energy is a great way to create a greener home. Energy Network in the United States provided more than sixty percent of fossil fuel plants. These plants emit hundreds of millions of tons of carbon monoxide and other harmful chemicals into the atmosphere each year. As if this were not enough, run on a finite resource that is quickly consumed. One day, fossil fuels, just gone, and we have the technology to produce more easily.

While solar energy has its drawbacks, such as intermittency, which must be combined with a storage form or another source of energy, which still has many advantages to it. These advantages include reliability, cost, environmental friendliness, aesthetics and durability. Solar energy, for example, is more reliable than wind energy and hydropower. This is because the sun will rise over the next four billion years, without fail, wind and water may not be available every day. In these cases, during the night and cloudy nights, where solar energy is not useful, intermittent problems are reduced is 100% predictable. Moreover, another advantage of solar energy is that while clouds decrease solar does not eliminate it. An important advantage of solar panels is that they require minimal maintenance, are installed and also provides free energy. Moreover, even if solar cells do not wear, their life span is measured in decades. The durability of solar cells improves year after year. More importantly, even if solar cells has been an expensive method to generate electricity, thereby reducing the cost per kilowatt per year. In addition, solar is cheap after installation. In addition, solar energy has its advantages when it comes to environmental friendliness. Now this is going "green" to preserve and protect our land. Solar energy is an effective way to go green because it produces zero pollution.

Then we learned that solar energy can be converted into electricity by photovoltaic cells and thermal solar power plants. Photovoltaic cells are photons, electrons, pushing them aside. Electrons, seeking a new home journey to the land through a cable to your new land called the battery. Solar thermal power plants work by focusing sunlight to heat a fluid, and water vapor becomes liquid, which runs a turbine and the turbine drives a generator running.

Above all, we learned that no matter what you label something as being for children who do not. A 1 or 2 watts, you need to connect a group together to achieve real juices flowing. This is known as a matrix, and can include as many cells as you can afford. Certainly, a case of the more you spend, the more you save.

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