
Friday, December 16, 2011

Alternative Energy Wake-Up Calls: Smog, Acid Rain, and Global Warming

By Sarah Green


The particles and gases from car exhaust pipes can create photochemical smog. This sort of smog is particularly common in hot, dry and bright cities like Athens in Greece, Cairo in Egypt and Mexico City. The vehicle exhaust pipes pump out gases like nitrous oxide, carbon monoxide and ozone that react together in the sunlight. The result is a smoggy haze over the city.

LA in California, USA, has suffered badly during the past from smog. The smog was due partly to the exhaust fumes from millions of cars, but also from the local geography. The town lies by the coast and is encircled by mountains. In certain climatic conditions, the smoggy air would be encircled over the city, and air quality would fall steadily until atmospheric conditions changed and the smoggy air was replaced by cleaner air. A hazy layer can still be seen over Los Angeles, but the level of pollutants has fallen dramatically due to new legislation and improved pollution control on vehicles.

Acid rain

Coal-fired power stations release sulphur dioxide, especially those burning lignite coal. This gas, along with nitrous oxides from vehicle exhausts, reacts with water in the air to form weak acids. These acids create acid rain â€" rain that's got a lower pH than standard. Acid rain erodes and damages the outside of buildings and statues, particularly than made from limestone.

Acid rain falling on conifer forests in mountainous areas of Scandinavia, North America and central Europe has lead to longâ€"term damages to the trees. The soils become even more acid and this is the cause of toxic compounds, for example aluminium, to be released. The first signs of damage are a tree's needles browning and entire branches dying. Increased astringency in the soil damages trees ' roots, and this decreases their ability to take up water and nutrient elements. The trees get even more vulnerable to frost and illness. At last, they die.

Lakes are also exposed. The acidic rainwater drains off soils into the lake, leading it to become more acid. Aluminum in the water causes the gills of fish to provide more mucus, and this prevents them from getting sufficient oxygen from the water. In extraordinary cases, all life in the water may die.

Global warming

Burning fossil fuels releases carbon dioxide. Carbon dioxide is called a 'greenhouse ' gas, as it traps heat in the atmosphere. The presence of some greenhouse gases keeps the Earth at a temperature of roughly 15C, which allows life to survive. A increase in the use of fossil fuels has caused the levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere to increase, too. More carbon dioxide implies more heat is trapped, and this has caused the average worldwide temperature to rise. This is called global warming.

The exposed solar power effects of global warming are uncertain, but it's probable that the skyrocketing temperatures will disrupt climates around the globe, causing some regions to have lower rainfall and other regions to have more. The hotter temperatures will cause ice caps and glaciers to melt, which, mixed with the growth of water in oceans, will cause sea levels to rise, flooding low lying areas which are heavily populated. Acute weather events such as droughts and storms could also become more common.

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