
Saturday, December 3, 2011

Here's Why Facebook Fan Pages Can't Help Most Chiropractors Attract New Patients

By Tim McGarvey

Why Facebook Pages are Not Useful for Chiropractors When looking at the hype that surrounds social media today, it is likely that you have at one time considered making a Facebook page in order to generate new chiropractic patients. This is simply not true. Despite the fact that it seems like every business in the area is using Facebook as a marketing method, this does not necessarily mean that any additional profits are being made.

Although it might seem like your competitors have a leg up on you when it comes to social media, don't be fooled.

Avoid This Mistake Unfortunately, many health professionals do not go about attracting new patients in a productive manner. Perhaps the most common of these mistakes is assuming that just because another professional is using a certain marketing method, it is guaranteed to work for them as well.

Although it might be tempting, using the same methods as other chiropractors rarely provides the desired results and often leads to spending significant amounts of money without any real pay-off. There is no way to know for sure what results the other health professionals are getting through the use of their marketing techniques. Just because a marketing technique costs significant amounts of money does not make it successful. It absolutely doesn't.

Is there any way to determine the success of social media marketing for other competitors? How can you know that your use of these same techniques will be more productive? There is no way to know for sure.

The Curse of Similarity Listening to my perspective could very well improve your business success.

When patients search for practitioners in your area and find that they are all relatively the same, what do they do?

They look to see who charges the least for their services.

Despite being the best practitioner in your local area, if you look just the same as the others, what choice do the potential patients have but to judge you based on price?

Find the Best Patients For Your Practice Neglecting to make yourself different from other local chiropractors can result in a complicated decision process for potential patients. Ensure that you are spending the appropriate amount of energy in creating a marketing program that will get the job done and draw more patients.

Facebook is not the answer to this question. Despite the "modern" touch that social media brings, the fact of the matter is that very few customers really care about Facebook and other social media marketing techniques. In short, a Facebook page is the not the answer when it comes to attracting new patients for your practice. Visibilities should be the first concern of chiropractors looking to expand their business and customer base.

Have you decided who your ideal patients will be?

What is your current visibility to potential patients, particularly those who fall under your idea of an "ideal" patient?

These are the two primary questions that you must ask yourself and have a definitive answer to before deciding on your next marketing course of action.

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