
Saturday, June 30, 2012

Custom Squeeze Page Design For Supercharged Marketing

By Bobby Pena

With the growing number of new MLM'rs, Affiliate Marketers, and home business workers as a whole, there are more replicated squeeze pages being used than ever before, and is a major cause for unsuccessful results. Not having the knowledge and know how of the differences between a replicated squeeze page vs a professionally custom squeeze page design, will undoubtedly harm your results as a home business entrepreneur.

Usually those who join home business opportunities, know very little about what it takes to really become successful in this industry. As we will discuss in this article, a professionally designed custom squeeze page is one of the key components that is critical to your online success in this internet age.

Let's clear up why a custom squeeze page is so important to your marketing campaign. First let's talk about the replicated squeeze pages that are usually supplied by companies upon joining their business. These replicated squeeze pages are nothing short of useless in an online marketing campaign for the mere fact that there are thousands upon thousands of these same exact pages circulating the internet by members of your own organization. This is similar to putting a thousand car salesmen on a car lot, and allowing only one customer to enter that lot. Who will sell the customer a car? Chances are very small that it will be you.

Individuals who notice that this page is absolutely a key factor in online business success, see that purchasing a professionally designed squeeze page is a no brainer. Other benefits of having your own custom squeeze page can also be endless, from SEO setup of your page, to embedding tracking data into your own squeeze page, which you have no ability to do when you do not own your own squeeze page.

With the squeeze page being the main page you send your prospects to, you should be able to see why it is so important that it be top quality and of utmost attractiveness. One common mistake is people trying to design their own custom squeeze page without any know how of color schematics, graphical placement, or html coding. This could not be more of a bad idea do to the fact that a poorly designed squeeze page is more harmful than having no squeeze page at all.

If you are going to be in the home business industry for any length of time, there are certain tools that are a must, and custom squeeze pages should be absolutely one of the top priorities of any serious home business owner. Those who choose not to, or have not run across articles such as this one, will absolutely sacrifice more time on marketing, while only getting minimal results. And in this industry, Time Is Money, so that is not a wise decision by any means.

To be a big earner in the internet marketing and home business industry, you must do as the big earners do. The big earners know that automation is the key in this industry after a well designed custom squeeze page. Don't make the same mistake as others continue to do day in and day out, and do your business a huge favor, and get a professionally designed custom squeeze page to boost your marketing campaigns.

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