
Saturday, June 23, 2012

Helping Your Business Go Viral - Social Media Marketing Tips

By Devin Smith

Business owners across the world have been discovering how social media marketing can help them increase the number of customers they serve. If you are ready to join them, read this article for some tips to help you understand this exciting form of marketing. You will be pleased with the results.

When deciding how to implement your social media marketing strategies, it is important to take into consideration the nature of your products and services. For example, if purchasing your products is something that most of your customers would prefer to keep private, then do not put Facebook-like buttons right next to the buy buttons! Eventually, someone will click it accidentally and then get angry at your business.

Monitor your competitors on social media sites. Spend a little time looking at what your top five competitors are doing out there in the social media world. Look at which social sites they are most active on, what kind of content they are publish, how many fans they have and how they promote their site and what they have to offer.

If you have a blog, use a "Retweet" button at the top of every blog post. When you place this on the top of your post, it makes it easy for others to share your blog via Twitter. It greatly increases the number of people you can reach with your message or information.

To make sure your social media page appeals to your target audience, research books, magazines, and other things you believe they'd enjoy. Try to match the tone of the content you see in your research, and incorporate popular phrases. Doing this will help your target market to trust you and will make them interested in what you have to say.

Odds are that your company will receive negative reviews on social media because it is easy for people to post when they are dissatisfied. Address and try to make amends with these customers to stop the spread of negative publicity. Social media is a great tool for this because your responses will be seen along with any negative commentary.

Try adding pictures to your social media site. People get a better understanding of a product when they can literally see it. And, when people understand your product, they are more likely to purchase it. You do not need to have too many pictures, just a few should do the job.

Write new posts on Twitter as often as possible so that your updates do not get buried in your followers' feeds. Twitter is about volume: you will still need to post quality content but you also need to post it often. By keeping your posts short, you will be able to get a few updates out of one event.

This article has shown you a lot of ways that you can start to move your business forward using social media marketing. Social media is the newest way that people are staying connected with one another. Businesses are quickly jumping on board too. You need to be one of those businesses.

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