
Monday, June 4, 2012

How to Re-Invigorate Your Blog

By Bridgette Garcia

Making your blog more interactive and getting your readers to keep coming back for more, you need to ensure that your blog's content is fresh and appealing. There is a lot you can do to achieve that goal, and that is the aim of this discussion.

Create a Series of Posts: To generate long term readership, think about creating a series of posts instead of just short posts which may only bring you one time visitors. If people have read part of your series, if you offer interesting content they will come back to read more. To give your readers a reason for coming back again and again, create a series and consistently add new content to your blog. By captivating your readers this way, they will be pleased to give you feedback. This series of posts doesn't have to be too long; you can wrap it up in 3 posts. So that your readers don't lose interest halfway through, to use this method successfully, it is important to do it tactfully.

We like our friends for many reasons, and talking with them about anything is always a good thing. There's something about having a friendly conversation; when compared to a formal talk, you'll be able to express more with a friendly tone of voice to your blog. When you do that, it just has a way of encouraging people to feel and do the same. Your readers will be likely to talk to you if they do not feel intimidated. When you're not selling to your readers, you automatically become more approachable, which will in turn lead to more feedback and higher readership. If you haven't tried this strategy out, give it a shot and you'll see the difference yourself.

Don't Overlook the Value of Shorter Posts: Even short posts can help to populate your blog and keep it fresh, so don't feel everything has to be long. Just keep your readers in mind, as they'll appreciate even shorter items that are of interest to them. Remember, great content that keeps your readers informed doesn't have to be long or take a lot of effort for you to create. In a way, this fills in the "gap" that you have between your bigger posts and makes up for the free time. You only have to find items that will spark some interest in your readers, and it shouldn't be hard to locate something on any topic you may be focusing on.

A quality blog with a wide amount of readers takes time, but you are taking a step in the right direction when you continually keep it updated and value your readers.

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