
Friday, June 8, 2012

Pre Paid Legal Top Earner Secrets Revealed: Improve Your Pre Paid Legal Profits

By Eduardo Kooliantra

Pre Paid Legal business owners: It's time to learn what it REALLY takes to become a top earner Are you committed to climbing to the top of your comp. plan?

If you want to become a top earner, it's vital you get way beyond merely talking to colleagues, associates, family and friends about your business..

It's imperative you master the basics of marketing- like any real business

I've been groomed by 6 and 7-figure income earners who taught me the following strategies we quietly use to build large businesses:

- Massive Action Makes The Difference

The #1 strategy of top producers in opportunities like Pre Paid Legal is to take massive action. To create a sizeable, thriving business, you will need to take massive action. Massive action means being ruthlessly consistent in your business building activities. It means you keep moving ahead, even when it's frustrating, challenging and scary.

Massive action means putting up ads in ten different places when everyone else is scared to advertise at all. Massive action means flying to every industry event, no matter the cost, while most people whine about not being able to afford it.

Concentrate on sales-generating actions, like marketing and advertising, closing sales and sponsoring new reps into Pre Paid Legal. Stop wasting time on television, negative people, shopping and procrastination. Produce results with consistency. That means work your business 5-6 days per week. Plow forward even when you want to quit.

You're going to need to step up and get way out of your comfort zone. Never let your preferences stop you from putting time into your Pre Paid Legal business. Create and adhere to a work schedule.

Your habits and persistent thoughts will need to change if you're going to succeed in business. Massive action is the secret you must implement to dominate in your Pre Paid Legal business.

- Build Differently

Network marketers in companies such as Pre Paid Legal are usually taught a few simple tactics:

- Put in writing a list of all the people you know

- Approach these people. Pitch your Pre Paid Legal opportunity

- Get them to tell you if they want to join the business

Most people do NOT succeed with these traditional tactics. Only about 5% of network marketers make a profit. 95% lose money every month.

These old school strategies have major shortcomings. You run out of people to talk to once you've talked to everyone on your list. Networkers have no clue how to generate leads. That's a big reason people leave the industry.

It usually takes 3-5 years to build a 6-figure income using traditional tactics. Very few people can withstand losing money for years before they make a profit. In order to profit, you must do things differently.

- Learn to generate leads on the internet

- Make promoting affiliate products part of your business. Then you earn money on the 95% of prospects who will NOT join your Pre Paid Legal business.

- Promote something that pays a commission of $1,000 or more per sale. This way, you don't need to spend 5 years building a big downline before you make real money.

- Get Trained How To Market

Like any established business, you must market to generate sales. It's amazing how little network marketers in companies like Pre Paid Legal are taught about real marketing.

Leads you buy, business cards and replicated websites are NOT marketing. A lot of these things feel like they make a difference, but most of these tools do not do much for you. Rock-solid marketing consists of a few elements:

Target The Right People: What type of person do you want in your Pre Paid Legal business? People who own businesses? People who are in dire need of money? Network marketers are a really attractive target market. They don't need to be convinced about the merits of network marketing. People in network marketing have signaled they are willing to put a monthly product purchase onto their credit card.

Position Yourself Strategically: Thousands of people are promoting Pre Paid Legal. What unique value do you provide? Decide what sets you apart and communicate that to the marketplace.

Promotion Tactics: How will you generate leads once you have approached all your family and friends about Pre Paid Legal? Use a proven online marketing system that teaches strategies to generate leads online.

Following Up: After you generate a lead, what will you do to follow up? Be sure to use both live phone calls as well as automated email to follow up with leads.

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